A Message from Our Founder:

Here on planet Earth, nature has sure gotten itself into a fine mess. Today, the atmospheric temperature will go up a fraction of a degree. At least 25,000 people will starve to death. Some 200 species of plants and animals will go extinct. Over 100 acres of land will turn into desert. And at least 20 square miles of ocean will become dead zones devoid of oxygen.
Meanwhile, a pandemic rages on, bringing human activity to a near standstill in much of the world. Scientists say that such outbreaks could become more common and deadlier in years to come. The conditions nature has put in place are ripe for it.
“Hold on a sec!” you exclaim. “Nature is not to blame. Humans are the ones creating this mess.” And in one statement, you strike at the heart of the problem. We human beings have come to see ourselves as separate from nature, which is simply wrong. Nature lives in us. Our bodies are made up of the same elements that can be found elsewhere in the universe. Like all other species, we have evolved to this point and are continuing to evolve. None of us is exempt from the laws of nature. Whether we realize it or not, we are agents of nature. Whatever we do, nature is doing.
Meanwhile, a pandemic rages on, bringing human activity to a near standstill in much of the world. Scientists say that such outbreaks could become more common and deadlier in years to come. The conditions nature has put in place are ripe for it.
“Hold on a sec!” you exclaim. “Nature is not to blame. Humans are the ones creating this mess.” And in one statement, you strike at the heart of the problem. We human beings have come to see ourselves as separate from nature, which is simply wrong. Nature lives in us. Our bodies are made up of the same elements that can be found elsewhere in the universe. Like all other species, we have evolved to this point and are continuing to evolve. None of us is exempt from the laws of nature. Whether we realize it or not, we are agents of nature. Whatever we do, nature is doing.
Through our activity, nature has made a real mess of things on our planet. And it’s not the first time the Earth has been in such a predicament. According to evolutionary ecologist Elisabet Sahtouris, the early Earth was populated only by bacteria. “They caused worldwide crises of hunger and pollution,” she explains, “and they solved them both.” This happened through a rapid evolutionary leap that Sahtouris calls creative cooperation.
If bacteria can do this, humans can too. Welcome to Nature Am I. This website offers a ray of hope at a time of extreme global crisis. My name is Dr. Victor Shamas and this is the culmination of my life’s work. I believe that human evolution, which is a natural process, got us into this mess and can get us out in the exact same way. We humans evolved to the point that our minds could distinguish "natural" versus "man-made." This distinction takes some serious brain power. As we can see, it is also inaccurate and self-destructive
Now our common survival depends on the next phase of our evolution, from homo sapiens to what I call homo naturalis, human beings fully aligned with nature. If we can make this evolutionary leap rapidly, humanity has a chance not just to survive but to actually thrive and flourish for the next millennium or more. The wonder and beauty of the human psyche is that we can make this kind of leap in an instant—a momentary experience of clarity called inspiration.
As a psychologist, I have devoted more than three decades of my life to the pursuit and study of inspiration. Here is a glimpse into my life’s work and passion, from my recent TEDx talk.
Now our common survival depends on the next phase of our evolution, from homo sapiens to what I call homo naturalis, human beings fully aligned with nature. If we can make this evolutionary leap rapidly, humanity has a chance not just to survive but to actually thrive and flourish for the next millennium or more. The wonder and beauty of the human psyche is that we can make this kind of leap in an instant—a momentary experience of clarity called inspiration.
As a psychologist, I have devoted more than three decades of my life to the pursuit and study of inspiration. Here is a glimpse into my life’s work and passion, from my recent TEDx talk.

In recent years, I have heard visionaries and thought leaders like Janine Benyus, who coined the term biomimicry, speak of nature-inspired solutions to global problems. I am thrilled by this, as I imagine you are. Herein lies the path to a brighter future for humanity. And I have something to offer this important endeavor: a gift that I want to share with you.
You see, nature-inspired solutions can only come from nature-inspired people. Becoming inspired in this way is not just a cerebral activity. Frank Lloyd Wright said, “Study nature. Love nature. Stay close to nature. It will never fail you.” I would add to this: “Align with nature.” In the process of nature inspiration, you can align yourself in the deepest way possible, so that nature’s secrets are revealed fully to you.
Nature knows how to bring conditions on the Earth back into balance, just as it knew how to throw the whole thing out of whack in the first place through human activity. Nature includes everything that can be known, including what is needed right now for the benefit of humanity and for all the species and ecosystems of this fragile yet resilient planet.
You see, nature-inspired solutions can only come from nature-inspired people. Becoming inspired in this way is not just a cerebral activity. Frank Lloyd Wright said, “Study nature. Love nature. Stay close to nature. It will never fail you.” I would add to this: “Align with nature.” In the process of nature inspiration, you can align yourself in the deepest way possible, so that nature’s secrets are revealed fully to you.
Nature knows how to bring conditions on the Earth back into balance, just as it knew how to throw the whole thing out of whack in the first place through human activity. Nature includes everything that can be known, including what is needed right now for the benefit of humanity and for all the species and ecosystems of this fragile yet resilient planet.

You and I have an important job to do right now. We must speak as nature, act as nature, be as nature. Through the process of nature inspiration, we come fully to the vital realization for which this website and movement are named: Nature Am I. Now is the time to make the leap, to assume our place in the universe as homo naturalis--humans fully aligned with nature.
I started Nature Am I to attract and bring together nature-inspired leaders like you who are determined and excited to close the perceived gap between humanity and nature. If you are on the leading edge, I want to share with the world what you are doing to integrate human life with nature. Through the Nature Am I podcast or on this blog, tell us what you’re doing to help re-envision our homes, schools, livelihood, transportation, governance, food production, systems of distribution, or other aspect of our lives.
I started Nature Am I to attract and bring together nature-inspired leaders like you who are determined and excited to close the perceived gap between humanity and nature. If you are on the leading edge, I want to share with the world what you are doing to integrate human life with nature. Through the Nature Am I podcast or on this blog, tell us what you’re doing to help re-envision our homes, schools, livelihood, transportation, governance, food production, systems of distribution, or other aspect of our lives.

I also want to talk about process and not just outcomes. What are you doing to inspire yourself? How do you connect most deeply with nature? When and how do you experience your moments of clarity and realization? In what forms does nature reveal itself to you? And what advice or suggestions can you offer to those of us seeking to experience nature inspiration for ourselves?
I am thrilled and honored to take part in this conversation, and perhaps most importantly, to let nature lead the way, guiding us to a more peaceful, balanced and sustainable way of life. Nature is revealing a piece of the overall puzzle to each of us during our moments of profound inspiration. In bringing those pieces together, we create a roadmap that humanity can follow in order to thrive for the next 1000 years or more. This is our shared vision. Let’s make it happen!
I am thrilled and honored to take part in this conversation, and perhaps most importantly, to let nature lead the way, guiding us to a more peaceful, balanced and sustainable way of life. Nature is revealing a piece of the overall puzzle to each of us during our moments of profound inspiration. In bringing those pieces together, we create a roadmap that humanity can follow in order to thrive for the next 1000 years or more. This is our shared vision. Let’s make it happen!