Our Vision

NATURE AM I is founded on the vision of humanity thriving for the next millennium in full alignment with nature. By developing and promoting nature-inspired leadership, we intend to usher in a new era of peace, sustainability and balance throughout the world.
Our Mission

At NATURE AM I, we are committed to promoting and featuring nature-inspired leadership in a wide range of fields, including communications, culture, economics, education, environmental cleanup, food production, habitat preservation, governance, health and welfare, justice, manufacturing, re-introduction of endangered species, science and technology, transportation and waste management. Also, we are building a global community of nature-inspired leaders who are passionate and dedicated to protecting the Earth's beauty, diversity, ecosystems and resources for future generations. We welcome alliances and dialogue with like-minded individuals and organizations.
Our Founder
NATURE AM I was founded in January 2020 by psychologist, author, creativity researcher and environmental chemist Dr. Victor Shamas. For over 30 years, Dr. Shamas has devoted himself to the study and pursuit of creative inspiration. In his 2019 TEDx talk, "The Art of Creative Inspiration," Dr. Shamas explains that the experience of inspiration empties the mind in order to give access to ways of knowing that involve bodily feeling and sensation. He maintains that moments of inspiration provide access to nature as manifested through the body. At such moments, the individual is able to align with nature in ways that can lead to profound realizations and breakthroughs. This connection is the basis of all nature-inspired leadership, as well as the founding vision of NATURE AM I.
Our Core Principles

We aspire to live by specific nature-inspired principles and ideals, which can include the following:
- Sustain and nurture the places, resources, and beings that sustain and nurture you.
- You have the right not just to survive but to thrive. Savor each precious moment of life.
- Give others the opportunity to thrive as well. Minimize harm. Don't take the life of another casually or when your own survival does not depend on it.
- Share what you have openly and generously. You are part of a global ecosystem in which your actions affect everyone.
- Anything you make, including your bodily waste, must either nourish other members of the ecosystem or at least be inert. There is no room in the ecosystem for garbage, pollution or toxicity.
- Always give back to the ecosystem at least as much value as you take. Kill less and nurture more.
- Emulate other life forms in your technology, making everything at ambient temperature and from renewable sources without waste.
- Non-renewable resources and natural habitats belong to future generations. Protect them at all cost.
- Your mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master. Let nature take the lead. Learn from nature. Align with nature. Be inspired by nature.